Men shed tears - For different reasons

Few days ago I had an opportunity to spend valuable time with my friend. We generally talk about the society, culture, attitudes and mind. That day it was no different and we talked about commonalities of men and women. She said, tears are inherited to women alone, but men do not shed tears. Also she substantiated her statement by saying that, men won't express their predicament but try to solve on their own. I had no choice but to agree as she had complimented men.
Yesterday I had a call which urged me to visit one of my workers house. He had worked as a labourer in my earlier department. He was very obedient and highly disciplined god fearing young man. As he was well built, he used to handle even heaviest objects with ease. I had very good five years leading him at work place and helped him personally as well. Unfortunately, the department had to be closed owing to loss. I was transferred to another department, but the contract workers had lost their job. From that day onwards life had been miserable for those poor people, particularly for this young man. He had two children aged between Three and Seven. I tried my best to find a job for him at some other place but did not succeed. He served in a church and at times attended some temporary jobs at various places to feed his family. I could not meet him for the past one year but had been in touch through other friends.
Today he is lying alone in front of me inside a coffin. Prayers are being chanted. Loud cries are raging around. Two innocent small kids are clueless about what is going on.
My dear friends, I could not control as my tears being rolled out of my eyes. Now I disagree my friend's statement that, tears are woman's property.
No. We do cry, but for different reasons.


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