"Dasavatharam" Thirai vimarsanam

தசாவதாரம் திரை விமர்சனத்தை எழுத தூண்டிய நண்பர்களுக்கு சமர்ப்பணம்.

இந்த கதை பற்றி கூற வேண்டும் என்றால் பிரபஞ்சம் பற்றி கொஞ்சம் கூற வேண்டும்.
Three theories have been said so far by scientists about the mysterious birth of the universe, rather the early moments of universe. The first one is "The BigBang" which is the most accepted one. Second is "Existance theory", and the last one is "Pulsation theory".

The Big Bang “Theory” (12 - 15 Billion years ago)
The Big Bang is actually not a "theory" at all, but rather a scenario or model about the early moments of our universe, for which the evidence is overwhelming. It is a common misconception that the Big Bang was the origin of the universe. In reality, the Big Bang scenario is completely silent about how the universe came into existence in the first place. In fact, the closer we look to time "zero," the less certain we are about what actually happened, because our current description of physical laws do not yet apply to such extremes of nature. The Big Bang scenario simply assumes that space, time, and energy already existed. But it tells us nothing about where they came from or why the universe was born hot and dense to begin with.
Now let us look at how lives started in our planet earth.
There is a property, the most elemental, that a blue whale and the smallest bacteria have in common. It is a faculty unfortunately imprecise, very hard to state explicitly, even though every mortal thinks that he can distinguish between a living being and a piece of inert matter.
A knowledgeable group of scientists, of whom Claus Emmeche, Alleta d'A. Gelin, and James Doyne Farmer stand out, have compiled a list of basic ingredients that must me omnipresent in any living being. These are the following:
1) Auto conservation
The main function of every living organism is making sure that it can continue it's existence.
2) Auto reproduction
Any living system can reproduce or proceeds from a reproduction.
3) Storage of information
Each organism contains genetic information. This appears stored in DNA, and is read and translated by proteins according to a universal genetic code, which is common to all creatures.
4) Breathing-fermentation
Every living being must have a metabolism that will transform energy and matter taken from the environment into energy and compounds that can be used by the different parts of the living organism.
5) Stability
Through the creation and control of it's own internal environment, all creatures remain stable in front of the perturbations of the external world.
6) Control
The distinct parts of an organism contribute to the survival of a group and, therefore, to the conservation of it's identity.
7) Evolution
The mutations in the hereditary material and natural selection permit the perfection, adaptation and complexity of living beings. For many, life is a mere product of evolution.
8) Death
It is determined by the genes and aggressions from the exterior, it marks the final phase of all living creature.
The list could be extended, but any other quality of life would be related with one of the previously mentioned.
To understand life, it is necessary to penetrate the heart of it and attempt to find out how life could of emerged on Earth more than 3.8 billion years ago, even though, like Blaise Cendrars says, "living is a magical action" and, as one, we might never be able to understand it.
Signs of life can be found in the oldest rocks
The idea of a primitive world of RNA seems likelier after three important discoveries: the main reaction in the synthesis of proteins is done by a type of RNA, the first enzyme that bonded amino acids to transference could of also been an RNA, and, last but not least, the existence of a possible rudimentary genetic code certain retro viruses - viruses that contain in their genetic material a molecule of RNA instead of one of DNA.
Now come to our own body
The life in the human body is maintained by AUTO systems which function automatically and the nature is responsible for the above functioning. The AUTO system of human body consists of Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Nervous, Reproductive, Urinary and Excretory system. Similarly there are 7 elements in food products which are also very essential for the human body for living. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Roughage are the seven elements in the food products. Without even one of the essential elements of life which are 5 attributes of nature i.e. Air, Soil, Water, Fire and Sky, the human life is not possible.
Now the most important and evolved complex part: The Brain
The human brain is a complex organ that allows us to think, move, feel, see, hear, taste, and smell. It controls our body, receives information, analyzes information, and stores information (our memories).
The brain produces electrical signals, which, together with chemical reactions, let the parts of the body communicate. Nerves send these signals throughout the body. The average human brain weighs about 3 pounds (1300-1400 g). At birth, the human brain weighs less than a pound (0.78-0.88 pounds or 350-400 g). As a child grows, the number of cell remains relatively stable, but the cells grow in size and the number of connections increases. The human brain reaches its full size at about 6 years of age.
Over to Thirai vimarsanam
இந்த திரை படத்தில் அடிக்கடி கடவுள் இருக்கிறாரா, இல்லையா என்பது பற்றி ரொம்ப கவலை படுகிறார்கள். தெரிந்து கொள்வதற்கு மேலே கூறிய நிறைய விஷயங்கள் உள்ளது. இவற்றை தெரிந்து கொண்ட பிறகு கடவுளை பற்றி தெரிந்து கொள்ளலாமே. தோட்டத்தில் பூக்கின்ற மலர்களை பாருங்கள். உங்களால் எவ்வளவு தெரிந்து கொள்ள முடியும்? ஒரே ஒரு விஷயம். வெள்ளி திரையில் தசாவதாரத்தை பார்க்க முடிந்த கண்களுக்கு வெள்ளை திரையை பார்க்க தெரியாது.


  1. From www.neysamy.blogspot.com
    `இந்த படத்தின் மூலமாக கடவுள் அவதாரம் இருக்குன்னு ஒத்துக்கிறீங்களா ?

    `அது உங்க perception. அதுதான் படத்திலேயே சொல்லியிருக்கேனே. கடவுள் இருந்தா நல்லாயிருக்கும்னு. எனக்கு பல ஆன்மிகப் பெரியவர்கள் நல்ல தமிழ் கத்துக் கொடுத்திருக்காங்க.


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