Pin Drop Silence - Punch lines
POINTED REPLIES WHEN YOU COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP Field Marshal Sam Bahadur Maneckshaw once started addressing a public meeting in English at Ahmedabad. The crowd started, Speak in Gujarati. We will hear only in Gujarati." Field Marshal Sam Bahadur Maneckshaw replied, Friends, I have fought many a battle in my long career. I have learned Punjabi from officers of the Sikh Regiment; Marathi from the officers of the Maratha Regiment; Tamil from the officers of the Madras Sappers; Bengali from the officers of the Bengal Sappers , Hindi from the officers of the Bihar Regiment; and even Nepali from the officers of the Gurkha Regiment. Unfortunately there was no Army officer from Guajart from whom I could have learned Gujarati." You could have heard a pin drop. At a time when the US President and other US politicians tend to apologize for their country's prior actions, here's a refresher on how some former US personnel handled negative comments about the United States. JF...