Negative influences - Beware

Few days ago, I went to a cinema with my children. The cinema hall was nearly full to its capacity. I knew that, there is going to be heavy crowd from students community because the story of the movie itself was about school students. Though I do not want to describe about the story in detail but I must atleast write about the business intentions of these kind of movies. Having understood the student sentiments and their psychology very well the film makers are committing serious damage to the society. Students are considered to be the pillars of the nation. But unfortunately, their true potential is wasted by indulgence in silly activities in schools and streets. These silly activities are being portrayed as heroics in today's cinema. Group of students forming gangs and fighting with each other for no good reason, in fact, for ugly reasons. We are already witnessing such street fights happening inside school / college campuses. I got worried to watch whole lot of students applauding those scene sequences with whistles and claps. The movie dealt with student's acts such as, their fights, their friendship, mischief, love, excursion, anger, vengeance and what not. But to my surprise, not in one particular scene, not even in a single frame, I could see a class room teaching session. Is it that the director has very clear idea of student psychology or does he think that cinema will not help to improve teaching methods? In many scenes the teacher, who punishes the students for scoring low marks, is shown like a villain. The school principal reprimanding the villain teacher receives more whistles for her dialogues against making punishments. I would pity the future of those students. We all have crossed those greeny days. We have received punishments, slaps from our teachers. We knew, even on those days that the punishments will make us more resolute. We still respect our teachers in our heart. My dear students, beware of these ill developments.
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